From ASHI – American Society of Home Inspectors
A home inspection is a vital part of a home purchase. ASHI believes that home inspections can continue during the COVID-19 outbreak when prudent safety precautions are practiced, and when performing the inspection does not conflict with government orders. Everyone involved is responsible for helping with safety. The following is based on recommendations from the CDC, NIH, & WHO.
For Buyers and Real Estate Agents:
- Do not attend the inspection. If you wish to attend, do so only at the end of the inspection.
- Do not bring children, relatives, contractors, and others to the inspection. Reschedule the inspection if you wish to attend, and if you feel sick, or if you exhibit symptoms of respiratory illness.
- Use hand sanitizer before entering and before leaving the home.
- Touch as few things in the home as possible..
For Sellers:
- Reschedule the inspection if anyone in the home feels sick, or exhibits symptoms of respiratory illness.
- Do not attend the inspection. Make arrangements for children, relatives, and others to be out of the home during the inspection.
- Wipe bathroom and kitchen fixtures, toilet handles, and doorknobs with a sanitizing wipe before the inspection. Be sure the wipe instructions allow use on the surface.